Social entrepreneurship and ecosystems development

Social entrepreneurship is on the European, national and local agenda. The 6 partners in this project, from Finland (Sakky and Samiedu), Italy (ESSENIA UETP and Comune di Baronissi) and The Netherlands (Nova College and Stadsgarage), feel responsible to make a substantial contribution to the development of the local ecosystem for Social entrepreneurs.



In this project the educational institutions join forces with experts in the field of social entrepreneurship to make it possible to examine the ecosystem of social enterprises from different perspectives, to identify the different stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities, and to look specifically at the role of knowledge institutions within this ecosystem. We want to identify success factors and pitfalls to strengthen that ecosystem, analyse which knowledge and skills are necessary for a social entrepreneur to develop and draw up international units of learning outcomes.


The project has the following objectives:

  1. Strengthening the local ecosystem of social entrepreneurs by providing insight into the relevant network and the tasks and responsibilities of stakeholders and showing how this can successfully contribute to strengthening the social business climate.
  2. Inspiring both students and entrepreneurs to start a social enterprise by collecting inspiring examples with success factors, risks and impact.
  3. Increasing the knowledge and skills of social entrepreneurs by establishing international units of learning outcomes that can be used by educational institutions to develop educational programmes.
  4. Strengthening the network by discussing findings with stakeholders and providing insight into how education projects can contribute to making the network more sustainable.


Contactperson: Kurt van Katwijk,